Arcanterra - Rotfang concept art



Rotfangs are twisted forest creatures resembling wolves, yet their appearance is far more terrifying and deadly. Their bodies are deformed and covered in scars, with dark fur soaked in decaying tissue and patches of hardened scales. Their glowing green eyes emit a malevolent aura, and their elongated claws and toxic breath make them formidable opponents.

Rotfangs have mutated, scale-covered bodies that offer them additional protection, making them difficult to injure with conventional weapons. Their breath carries a toxic miasma that can paralyze or severely weaken their prey, allowing them to dominate in close combat. The eyes of a Rotfang glow with an eerie green light, a sign of the dark magic that corrupts their very being.


Rotfangs dwell in corrupted forests, where dead vegetation and rotting soil provide the perfect environment for them to thrive. These creatures are most commonly found in areas where the land has been tainted by the Black Mist, a dark curse unleashed by reckless magic. They are solitary hunters, but when necessary, they band together in packs, making them even more dangerous.


The Rotfangs are born of a dark legend that speaks of Taron, the ancient guardian wolf of the forests, who once protected the land from encroaching darkness. When a mysterious black mist known as the Black Blight engulfed the forest, Taron sacrificed himself, believing his powers could save his home. Instead, the blight twisted his essence, turning him into the first Rotfang. This curse spread to other wolves, transforming them into grotesque monsters driven by a relentless hunger for destruction.


Rotfangs, despite their resilience, have vulnerabilities. They are highly sensitive to fire, which burns through their decaying flesh and scales. Silver weapons are particularly effective against them, as the purity of silver counters the dark magic that sustains them.

Name: Rotfang
Other Names: Decaywolf, Plaguehound, Shadowfang
Occurrence:Rotfangs inhabit the corrupted forests of Arcanterra, where the land is tainted with decay and dark magic. They are most commonly found in areas where the Black Blight has spread, turning the environment into a twisted version of its former self. These creatures prefer to roam in the deepest, most shadowed parts of the forest, emerging only under the cover of night.
Immunity:Rotfangs are immune to most poisons and resistant to physical attacks, thanks to their tough, scale-covered bodies. Their toxic breath grants them additional protection, making it difficult to approach them without proper precautions.
Susceptibility:Rotfangs are highly vulnerable to fire, which can burn through their decayed flesh and scales. Silver weapons are particularly effective against them, as they disrupt the dark magic that sustains these creatures. Blessed weapons and holy energy can also repel and weaken them.
Tactics:Rotfangs are solitary hunters, but when necessary, they band together in packs to take down larger prey. Their primary weapon is their toxic breath, which can paralyze or severely weaken their enemies. They often use the cover of darkness to ambush their prey, relying on their keen senses and stealth. When confronted, it is essential to use fire, silver, or blessed weapons to overcome their defenses.
Alchemy:Rotfang’s Claws
Corrupted Scales
Shadowkin Blood
Additional Drops:Diseased Fur
Toxic Breath Residue

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