
In Arcanterra, the type of weapon a player wields not only affects the speed, power, and range of attacks but also determines the distance at which the player can initiate an attack. This range varies significantly depending on the weapon, from the close-quarters combat required by a dagger to the long-range precision of a bow.

Weapon Types and Attack Range


  • Attack Range: Daggers require the player to be in very close proximity to their target. The hero must be almost within arm’s reach to strike, making positioning crucial in battle.
  • Combat Style: Ideal for players who favor speed and agility, daggers allow for rapid, successive strikes but demand careful maneuvering to get close to enemies without taking damage.

Swords & Axes

  • Attack Range: Swords & Axes offer a moderate attack range, allowing players to engage enemies at a short to mid-range distance. While not as close as daggers, they still require the player to be within a few feet of their target.
  • Combat Style: They versatile, providing a balance between speed, range, and power. They are effective in most combat situations, making them a reliable choice for many players.


  • Attack Range: Similar to swords & axes, hammers also operate at a mid-range distance but with a focus on delivering crushing, blunt-force damage.
  • Combat Style: Hammers are slower but incredibly powerful, capable of staggering or knocking down enemies. The mid-range allows for impactful strikes while still maintaining some distance from the target.

Halberds, Spears, and Other Long Weapons

  • Attack Range: These weapons offer a long reach, allowing players to initiate attacks from a distance greater than swords or axes. The hero can strike enemies from a safe range, keeping them at bay.
  • Combat Style: Ideal for battlefield control, these weapons excel in defensive and crowd-control scenarios, where keeping enemies at a distance is key.

Bows & Crossbows

  • Attack Range: Bows have the longest attack range of all weapons, allowing players to strike enemies from a significant distance, often before the enemy can even engage. This makes them ideal for initiating combat or picking off enemies from afar.
  • Combat Style: Bows require precision and timing, with the ability to eliminate threats before they can close in. They are perfect for players who prefer a tactical approach, staying mobile and avoiding close combat altogether.

This variability in attack range based on weapon type encourages players to select weapons that complement their preferred combat style, whether that be up-close and personal or maintaining a safe distance while picking off enemies from afar.

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